2nd Post & 2nd Product

Hey Everyone,

Spent the past few weeks building a Figma integration with Linear.app:

It's a Figma widget to easily create Linear issues directly from your Figma designs and import existing ones. This saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on what really matters - creating exceptional designs. If you use Linear and Figma give it a try!

Lessons Learned:

  • I had originally scoped out a week's worth of work on this, but like all engineering projects, had some scope creep and ended up taking 3 weeks to build out. This was mainly due to me deciding to build out my own Oauth redirect server to handle to Oauth flow between the Figma widget and the Linear API. Learned a lot about Oauth and how to set up a website on AWS from scratch. Wish I had scoped this out in my initial design, would have saved my a lot of time

  • First time using ChatGPT heavily in a project. Used it to help write some boiler plate code but mostly used it to help me with copy writing. Never done copy writing before, so it was great to bounce ideas off

It felt great finally getting this shipped. It's been one of the largest side projects i've done, and feeling confident I can tackle larger projects on my own without losing motivation.

  1. 1

    Congrats on shipping your product. I've use Figma before but not Linear, so this was interesting to me. Seems like you learned a lot too which is great. ChatGPT is quickly becoming quite useful for me also for coding and copywriting, so I can see why you found it handy. Good job!

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