Was there ever an Indie Hackers Hackathon?

Was there ever a IH hackathon (cc @channingallen @csallen)? If so, how did it go? Some casual googling did not produce any results.

It would be a forcing function to push people to make MVPs that do not fall into the "if you're not embarrassed by it, you’ve launched too late" trap.

If you're one of those people who be interested in participating, do you have first-hand examples of successful online community-based hackathons (or game jams)? For example, how important is there to be judges?

On the flip-side, does anyone have experience with running online community-based hackathons? How much is it to run logistically? I imagine they are a different beast from in-person events from The Before Times.

I don't have the capacity or experience to lead something like this, but it would be fun to provide logistical support if there's sufficient interest.

Would you be interested in participating in a IH hackathon?
  1. Yes - I am interested in slower-paced week- or month-long event
  2. Yes - I am interested in a fast-paced 48-hour weekend event
  3. Nope
  1. 2

    We've never had one. In fact, we've never had any sort of official IH event or content that I can remember. But I like the idea of doing so!

    At the moment, the IH team is heads down working on improving the core IH experience — the forum, basically. After that, I'd like to try something like a hackathon or other ideas.

    1. 1

      Are you going to add products to the search? It’s a bit hard to find them sometimes.

  2. 1

    Might have something for you soon (not related to IH) @sirotkin - got some way that I could maybe contact you?

    1. 1

      Hey! You can reach me at: sirotkin.sasha [at] google's email service

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