A list of the best selling products on Gumroad

I got an annual subscription to this a few months back for no particular reason other than to get potential inspiration/ideas and it's pretty cool. What you get when you subscribe is super simple. It's a monthly Airtable spreadsheet of the top 5000 (?) best selling products that includes info like the name of the product, creator, link to the product/creator, number of reviews, average review score, price, category/global sales rank, and estimated monthly revenue.

Have you already seen this? https://gumspy.com/

  1. 1

    Wow, really interesting. What do you use to estimate the # of sales for each product?

    1. 1

      I'm not sure how the numbers are obtained. They might contact each product owner or maybe collect the info from the authors self published blog...not sure there is any other way to collect this data....could also use the average number of reviews per 100 purchases for example.

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