Building in Web3 as an Indie Hacker

When I first ran down the crypto rabbit hole in 2019, I had the feeling that Web3 wasn’t just a passing fad, but the cornerstone of a new financial era.

Although most indie hackers I read about were focused on the SaaS space, I was curious to build something in the Web3 domain. Thus the inspiration for OneSafe.io - aiming to seamlessly connect traditional finance (TradFi) with the decentralized world (DeFi).

One problem I always wanted to tackle was, why is it so hard to spend with crypto. This question led me to launch OneSafe Corporate cards - A way for businesses to spend 10 different tokens across 5 different networks, and the flexibility to spend USDC at a 1:1 ratio.

Getting to where we are now was not easy. I definitely do not recommend building in the fintech space as an indie hacker, unless you want to face both technological and regulatory hurdles at every turn.

It’s interesting to me because, while the indie hacker community has eagerly adopted AI, Web3 seems to lag behind, especially considering its core ethos of providing open accessibility to all devs.

However, I do believe as crypto becomes more widely adopted, we’ll begin to see an increase of indie hackers venturing into this space, which will accelerate the fly-wheel of adoption and bring web3 into the mainstream.

Given these reflections, I'm curious about your insights. Why do you think Web3 hasn't caught on as quickly among indie hackers, or perhaps are there innovative Web3 indie hacker projects out there that I just haven't heard of?

on March 20, 2024
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