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How To Generate Targetted E-Commerce Leads...

Hi there, as I'm sure you're aware, this can be tricky to pull off. I myself found it hard when I was building my copywriting side business - and wanted to sort of automate it, so it could give me time to focus on my email campaigns.

With that being said, I'm now making you guys a platform that will automate the process - giving you highly targetted leads for the e-commerce businesses you wish to work with.

Obviously, pricing is another part of this - but I'm looking to release at a lower initial price to our IndieHackers community (~£30/month)...

Many platforms that specialise in e-commerce lead generation cost upwards of £100, so we want to make it more accessible to smaller companies looking to scale.

Thanks very much & I'd love to hear your thoughts

posted to
Lead Generation
on August 16, 2022
  1. 1

    Hi Sam,

    I'm interested in this service.

    Could you give more info?

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