How I got warm intros with 50+ high growth SaaS by creating something of true value to them AMA🚀

I'm Rishabh, the founder of Checklisty - a gamified onboarding checklist app.

A few months back, I found an amazing way to provide great value which could lead to getting me warm intros with high growth SaaS such as Asana, Braze, Tracegains, Heap Analytics, Miro, Datarobot and a bunch more!

I was working on creating videos for 50+ companies that wished to improve their onboarding and came upon an idea to create a startup academy directory to showcase brands customer education academies.

For better outreach and value, I reached out to Sumeru 'Sumo' Chatterjee from Customereducation.org who were quite excited by the idea and we worked together.

I went on to Airtable and started working on a list of over 50 startup academy directories and listed out important key features such as their industry, preferred LMS platforms, what kind of content they created, whether it was paid or not, their average pricing etc.


I connected this to Pory to create a landing page and showcase this in a sortable easy-to-view fashion. This created a valuable resource that companies wanted to be a part of.


Startup Academy Directory

I then shared this with these SaaS that I had listed asking them to fill a form with questions to help enrich my resource and improve their visibility:

How old is the Academy?
How many students go through the Academy per year?
What are your favourite tools and gear?
Who do you take inspiration from?
Biggest lesson learned creating video content for Academy?
What does your program receive praise for?
What is the total number of Courses at the Academy?
What is the average course duration?

This made the directory extremely valuable with insider insights as well as gave me warm intros to so many people.

To then make my resource more valuable and reach as many SaaS as I could, I decided to allow people to submit their academies and launch on Product Hunt


Startup Academy Directory on Product Hunt

This led to a lot of intro emails with over 50 high growth SaaS and helped me build my network while sharing with something of true value.

PS: Do you struggle with trial to paid conversions? Your users aren't using your product right?

Checklisty beta has just launched and is offering a LIFETIME FREE deal to all people who signup this week at checklisty.xyz. Hope this helps a lot of people from this amazing community


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