FinTech Research or what is the peculiarity of promotion in the Fintech sector | Serpstat

How can fintech development be hindered & what is the peculiarity of promotion in the Fintech sector?

To answer these and other important questions, Serpstat conducted FinTech Research 👉 https://bityl.co/E7bJ

We’ve analyzed key SEO metrics for market leaders, keywords in organic search, SERP features in the search result, sector representatives' backlink profiles & paid promotion.

📌 What’s Fintech?
The term fintech now refers to a variety of financial activities, including sending money, depositing a check, bypassing local banks to apply for credit, raising money for startups, or managing investments. The penetration of fintech and fintech-related words into everyday life is increasing.

A couple of takeaways:
○ Most keywords in the niche — 49.4%, are characterized by low KD. Despite the rapid expansion of the sphere, organic promotion faces relatively low competition.
○ The majority of the targeted PPC keywords — 32.2 % — fall into the medium competition category although only 41 % of the companies in the top 100 use contextual advertising to promote their business.

Ivan Burban, CMO at Saldo Apps, said the following:

“The sphere is so promising that I don't know what can block it, except for the global crisis, which probably won't have a drastic effect. More and more services are becoming available online, including mobile banking, online invoicing, and accounting. There is a proliferation of digitalization in many countries. I am sure the market will grow substantially in the next ten years.”

🗯Let me know what you think👇

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