I launched MakerLead #1 on Product Hunt. AMA

Hi Indiehackers,

I am Lamine, and I wanted an easier way to analyze open startups: revenue, metrics etc.

MakerLead is the solution that I came up with.

Using my nights and weekends, I quickly was able to create a working prototype ready to be launched on Product Hunt.

I tried to learn as much as I could, and bought a product hunt checklist, which also helped me quite a bit.

There were a lot of things that I had to learn on the go and I didn't get any info on before trying to actually launch. I gave myself about a month to focus fully on "marketing". Decided to launch on August 16, and rose to #1 that same day.

I condensed all my learnings in a book (8 customers so far) called Launch OS published on gumroad.

Some stats:

  • #1 on Product Hunt on August 16 2021
  • $300 in revenue from ads.
  • 11,000 users total since August

I tried to be as open as possible on my Twitter and really document all the process.

Looking forward to help you guys out and answer questions!

Ask me anything!

  1. 3

    Followed you on Twitter. Love the site and am considering an ad for GrowthHunt.co in the coming months.


    1. 2

      Appreciate it, followed you back. Sure, let me know on Twitter when you're ready and we'll take it from there, cheers

  2. 2

    Congrats on the great launch! Will you also launch launchos.io on PH?

    1. 2

      Thank you! I guess but first I will need more traction on Twitter

      1. 1

        How will you decide how much is enough traction?

      2. 1

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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