How do you feel about the name Web3?

I've just started looking into web3, and the name web3 is bothering me a bit.

The internet is a constantly changing and growing entity, I don't like the fact that we are trying to version it.

I believe the tools that are provided by web3 have the potential to redefine parts of the internet, and other parts which have nothing to benefit from web3 will stay the same. It's not like 3G vs LTE where eventually everybody has to change.

How do you feel about this?

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    is web3 means only to blockchain,crypto,decentralisation?

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    I feel like Web3 as a whole is a step closer towards a more liberating experience.

    Anything that supports moving funds away from legacy systems made to control into the hands of the people is okay with me.

    Not to mention, we need to create a web with users who have opinions rather than the existing consensus that everyone continuously recycles what's been read.

    I feel like Web3 is moving us in this direction.

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      can’t wait for web3 to get rid of facebook :)

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