Guest blogging: it's not about backlinks..

Guest blogging is not about getting backlinks.

A backlink is valuable only if the traffic from the hosting site finds it relevant, clicks on the link, and visits your page. And, if the inserted link helps readers by providing supplementary & valuable content for further reading, they are more likely to engage.

The number of backlinks are irrelevant. If you want to impress your boss with the number of backlinks acquired this month, that’s another topic (leave the job).

Guest blogging is all about hunting down cool, quality blog posts in your area of interest. You should focus on creating quality content.

Then, we should include a link if it covers something not discussed in our copy, provides additional or supplementary information, or relates to a term, research, or case study. You know.

Throw a link that only fits well, make the content around it so inviting that people can't resist clicking.

No need to buy a $15 backlink from a website where its “readers” are not actually reading the content.

At the end of the day, it’s the piece of content that matters. What? It’s the content that gives VALUE.

Create value, quality content. The only side effect: people will remember you.

There's a great & OLD (2010) article by Bill Slawski talking about link placement and stuff which I highly recommend to check: https://www.seobythesea.com/2010/05/googles-reasonable-surfer-how-the-value-of-a-link-may-differ-based-upon-link-and-document-features-and-user-data/

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