6 Months in to buying micro SaaS businesses - A Few Lessons Learned

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Website Investing
on May 28, 2021
  1. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Very thought provoking - just finished a sale recently so this is all fresh in my mind - and got a few follow up questions:

    I didn't figure out from the post (or from another few articles you have on your blog), do you usually buy to operate (& take cashflow) or flip?

    As I understand it you've got 3 tech persons on team, I assume you're spreading operations for these amongst yourselves, do / can you also do the same for support (& financial ops if needed)? Having good support framework in place (one that does the job well and doesn't cost/stress you out too much) is crucial, wondering if you can take advantage of any synnergies here since you've got multiple businesses.

    How many businesses have you bought since you started? (Edit: looks like 4 - https://www.xoxo.capital/portfolio)

    Do you (the fund) have investors (LPs)? I imagine having outside investors would make it harder for you to take the "operate & take cashflow" - does that put pressure on exiting and what time frame are you aiming at?

    Again, thanks for doing this in the open, looking forward for more insights!

    1. 2
      • We started out thinking we were going to buy and hold forever. There are some complications with that (i.e. these deal sizes might just be too small to have meaningful excess cashflow at their current size)
      • We've bought 3 so far with our own cash. No investors, just us.
      • We're currently working on raising a small $1M fund, which is partly the motivation for selling one or all of the companies. We need to have this on a slide when pitching: "We've bought, grown, and sold multiple companies for a healthy profit".
  2. 1

    Thanks for sharing... totally agree with "This is where 80% of the work is"

    1. 1

      Maybe more than 80% haha :)

  3. 1

    Thanks for sharing - I'd be interested in a more hands-on example of one of your acquisition examples, that'd be awesome.

    1. 2

      Great idea. I can do another teardown one of these weeks. It's not going to be pretty!

      1. 1

        The article above is awesome! I am going to share it tmr on Twitter - more people should read it 😍 Given my follower count, it is not going to be massive though 😅

        1. 1

          It’s the sentiment that counts. Thanks man!

      1. 2

        This is exactly what I expected. This is awesome!

        I think this is a cultural thing. In startup culture, there's a kind of founder worship. The one's that make it to the moon are quickly idolized.

        That's interesting!

        I love your work on micro-acquisition, it is super interesting to see this approach!

  4. 1

    Great write up. Good luck on selling the SaaS you want to sell.

  5. 1

    That's a so interesting piece! Thanks for the share

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