ASK IH: -Sell Colors & Fonts or not?

So, I recently got my first job offer in tech, and I took it.
Is part-time and I have been thinking of selling my side project because ain't got no time for it anymore.

I would rather focus the little time I have on my second project and keep improving it.

Colours & fonts bring no income, but the Wicked Templates has chances to do so and it comes with a newsletter.

What do you guys think? Should I sell it or just keep it there ? It costs me nothing to maintain just 7 euros for netlify analytics which can be removed once I decide to stop working on it.

If you need stats to answer, just let me know.


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    Michael, your link (colorsandfonts.com) is missing a "d" letter :)

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      Thank you @hieunc, you the man !

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    I wouldn't sell it if it's helping you generate traffic, but I'd recommend my revenue strategy. Provide a freebie that also has a premium counterpart. SVGBackgrounds.com is why I know it works. I started with 30 free backgrounds, and when it got good reception, I decided to monetize the site by providing new backgrounds you can purchase. You still have the freebies, and people share it because of the freebies. But after some users go through the free collection, they see there are more for purchase and I make enough that I see value in this concept. So much so that I'm building an entire of collection of tools (not too different from yours) with this freemium model. First providing free icons, like you know. Next I'll build at least one icon set for sale. Then on to the next tool/graphics. I might even skip the premium versions at first to see what tools are getting the best reception, knowing that the freebies are still driving traffic to my site with other products.

    P.S. you spelled the link wrong: www.colorsandfonts.com.

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