Feeback for SubsPulse

Hi there, my name is Mehmet, a first-time builder. I built an MVP for online subscription management with budgeting features and I am looking for early adopters to give their feedback.
This is important as I am looking to see if the idea is worth pursuing and if there is a demand for such a thing at the same time it is for me an experience as someone who jumped out of the corporate world trying to figure out the solopreneur life.
I will be sharing an opt-in page once you signup I will grant you access to the system and would love to have a one-to-one conversation to get your reviews and what you think in general and what could be a feature you would love to see.
Thank you in advance for all the help. As mentioned feel free to reach out to me.
Here is the link: https://yep.so/p/subspulse

posted to
on March 11, 2023
  1. 1

    Hey @mgonullu. I visited your site but I wanted to know more before signing up. I tried to watch the video but because I couldn't make it full screen to see more details, I just left and came back here to write this comment. Would love to see more before signing up.

    Also, the video at the very top of the page seems like a bug, but I don't think it is. I would put it more into the content.

    Hope this helps!

    1. 2

      Hi @wetoastfood you can watch the demo here as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjQBTZNzmKc I will be happy to take this one on one as well to demo for you the system.

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