Feedback needed for new
NFT/Web3 wallet discovery tool

👋 Hey everyone!

💡 I wanted to share something I've been working on recently. I've been helping multiple clients launch their NFTs and token airdrops, and through that process, I realized how tedious it can be to filter through wallets to find the right audience. It's easy enough to get all the holders of a particular NFT, but finding the people who hold more than 3 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs and recently bought a Porsche NFT? 🤯 That was almost impossible.

🛠️ That's why I decided to create a tool that makes it much easier to segment wallets based on a variety of parameters. With this tool, you can identify holders of specific NFTs or tokens, buyers of certain tokens, users of popular DeFi protocols, or even people who fall into different net worth brackets. Plus, it integrates Twitter profile data, which makes it possible to launch lookalike Twitter ads and target very specific and similar people based on their holdings.

👥 I've been talking to some marketing people, and they've told me that it's pretty tough to launch ads on Twitter and target relevant people. So, I'm hoping this tool can help make the process a bit easier.

🧪 I'm currently testing the early BETA version of the tool, and I'm not sure if there's a big enough market for it. But I would love to get your feedback and see if this is something that you and other builders in the community could use.

💬 So, if you're interested in optimizing your NFT and token marketing strategies, give this tool a try and let me know what you think. I'm excited to hear your thoughts and to continue building tools that make the process of launching NFTs and tokens more efficient and effective. 🚀

URL: https://sherlock3.com
Happy to answer any question or take feedback!

posted to
on February 20, 2023
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