TikTok crashed Li Jin's website, has anyone else had success from it?

I was reading Li Jin's guide on TikTok where she said:

One morning a few weeks ago, we woke up to excited messages from friends telling us that our website, Side Hustle Stack, had appeared on their TikTok For You Page. That video led to hundreds of thousands of pageviews per minute, crashing our site in the middle of the night.

Really, you should read the thing she wrote. For me, the tips below feel generic, but she provides some TikTok examples that are worth mulling over, and perhaps most importantly she dives into the culture and what kind of content works over on TikTok.

Perhaps the most relevant (for indie hackers) TikTok she wrote about is the one from Copy.ai, where they give out business advice.

There are a few areas where TikTok really excels for startups:

  1. Building user trust and buy-in
  2. Driving awareness of new products and services
  3. Creating buzz around a category
  4. Getting user feedback and creating a two-way dialogue

@Zazdara show me one that she had created for a Billflow rebrand, which made me chuckle.

Has anyone had success with TikTok? Or is anyone exploring it right now?

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    IDK, i still have some resistance to it when I see suggested videos that are cringy AF

    for example, I checked that Billflow rebrand thing, and all the suggestions was related more to my location (probably), than to the Billflow video

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      Yeah that's the thing about Tik Tok. Suggestions are really based on the videos you interact with/Tik Tok thinks you like. So for example, if you interact with a lot of funny videos, then you'll be given the trending funny videos, and maybe some newer less popular ones if you're in the test batch. But that's also what makes it great - it's much easier to reach your target audience since they'll be interacting with a lot of videos similar to yours.

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    I'm looking into it. Ryan Hoover tweeted about this yesterday. Also worth mentioning that right now CPM for ads are ridiculously low.

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