Mustard Clinic - marketplace for premed tutors

Hello Indie Hackers!

I am a second year medical student attempting to build a marketplace as a side project.

I want to build a marketplace that connects successful medical students or young doctors with premed students who hope to get into medical school.
I plan to verify sellers as "service providers" (SP). Services will include tutoring for the MCAT (difficult medical school admission test), premed course tutoring, medical school application editing, and general advising. After sellers are verified, they will list a service on the marketplace. Customers will be able to search for relevant services and then connect with a SP after providing payment details. Payments will be captured after both side of transaction verify a service has been provided.

I have zero coding experience, therefore I've been using bubble.io. I think bubble will work to build at least a functioning MVP. I am using Stripe connect for payment.

At this point I am about half way through building an MVP with bubble. I put together a landing page with carrd - (https://mustardclinic.carrd.co/).
I plan on calling it Mustard Clinic (kind of like Mayo Clinic but mustard, sort of stupid, I know).

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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