Feedback on the chrome extension listing

I just got my first-ever chrome extension approved. It took 4 days for the first approval and 3 for the next couple of revisions. If anyone wants to take a look at my web store listing and give me some feedback, that would be very appreciated! Thanks in advance!

submitted this link to
Browser Extension Makers
on July 12, 2022
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    If I understand correctly this basically the mac Spotlight search but for Browser? seems like a very unique and exciting extension but it took me a bit to figure out what it was actually doing... and the video without sounds didn't help much with my confusion.

    Honestly, the name itself created most of my initial confusion "Single Dispatch Command Palette". The average user that sees this listed wouldn't automatically associate your extension with a Tab/bookmark manager ( I thought it had something to do with colors...)
    You may want to investigate the following questions:
    who is your intended target audience?
    would their typical searches land them on your extension?

    The item description is good, I would just use a few bullet points to draw attention to your main features.

    I hope this help :)

    1. 1

      Hey! Thanks so much for the feedback! It is difficult to know how confusing things are to others without hearing from them. Definitely need to play around a bit with naming/positioning. I’m assuming that this might be interesting to developers but I am not totally sure yet which probably reflects in the naming and description.

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