Best invoicing software for freelancers

Discover the best invoicing software for freelancers with our comprehensive comparison of Hievage, Plutio, Bonsai, and Indy. Find the right option for your business with pros and cons, pricing, and features outlined in this article.

  1. 1

    Thats a nice and comprehensive list. The problem I have with this tools that you can only rely for financial things on it. I want a tool to combine all my freelancing needs. What i mean is that I want a tool with features like: manage clients and the relations between companies, projects and more. A other thing is that I want to keep track of my communication with my clients eg. what are discussed about xyz and when we discussed this. what was the outcome and so on.

    this is why I started a mvp to proof this concept.

    1. 1

      Rather interesting. I'm also working in this field bit by bit. I've followed you on Twitter. Would be happy to have a convo some time around this topic

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