First Time Posting on Hacker News! 😰

Hi everyone, my name is Tony. I’m a fellow Indie Hacker and the solo founder at Chromabill. I’ve been holding off on doing this for a very long time but I recently posted on Hacker News for the first time ever about my product.


How Chromabill came to be:

When I was in college, I had a hard time managing my bills. I’d write them down on paper or on the notes section of my iPhone but it always became a mess. I started using spreadsheets and fell in love with the process. I could organize bills by due date, separate them by color and category, and see exactly how much I was spending.

I noticed the spreadsheet apps on the market were hard to use and ineffective on mobile. There really wasn’t a solution on the app store similar to what I was doing with my spreadsheets so I created Chromabill. Ironically, I had been applying to fintech jobs around the same time and kept getting rejected because I didn’t have “enough experience”. So I started my own fintech company instead.

It helps you personalize your bill tracking experience similar to a spreadsheet. It also has a simple budgeting system that will show you exactly how much you’re allowed to spend per day. The goal of the application is to make it easy to use for those who are just starting their personal finance journey.

As of now it’s mobile-first for iOS in the USA/Canada. We plan to expand to more territories once we add in multi-currency and language localizations. It’s still very early and actively in development so I apologize in advance for any bugs you may encounter! If you have any feedback at all on it, I would love to hear it. ♥️

posted to
on March 12, 2021
  1. 2

    Wow, this looks great! Don't worry if you don't get many upvotes, I think sometimes you have to post multiple times on HN to not get lost.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for the compliments and for the tip! I didn’t know that. Don’t use that platform as often as I probably should. 😅 Appreciate you looking out!

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