Flutter learning paths?

Curious what paths hackers took to consume Flutter (and Dart) quickly!

  1. 5

    I've been really happily using the App Brewery course to learn Flutter basics: https://www.appbrewery.co/p/intro-to-flutter

    Quick plug — I'm co-organizing a free remote Flutter conference that I'm hoping will be an awesome resource for people learning Flutter: https://www.bytesized.xyz/conferences/byteconf-flutter-2020

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      Well-written and well-researched article Kristian. It is really helpful to Flutter developers for understanding Dart. We have tried to write something like that and compare Flutter and React Native. The link is here https://linkupst.com/blog/react-native-vs-flutter-is-there-a-winner-in-the-app-development-competition

    2. 1

      Thanks for taking the time to share! (And I've bookmarked the conference.) What in particular did you like about the App Brewery course?

      1. 1

        for sure! The App Brewery course was promoted heavily by the Flutter team, so that was a pretty strong signal of quality for me. It’s well-paced and has you building a bunch of projects - the variety has kept me focused and interested!

    3. 1

      I'm looking forward to the conference :)

  2. 5

    I just started building an android app using Flutter and Firebase. Saw a couple of video series on youtube and coding it. Will update when it's ready.

    1. 1

      Any resources you liked specifically?

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        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  3. 4

    Can second Stephen Grinder's course on Udemy as mentioned by @yougane here. The course has some issues but it is good nonetheless. I would also suggest to follow along here https://medium.com/flutterpub/when-firebase-meets-bloc-pattern-fb5c405597e0
    after completing the course.

    1. 1

      +1 for this course. Its detailed and up to date.

    2. 1

      What are the issues with Udemy's course?

      (And thanks for the article, that looks great!)

  4. 2

    Here is where I started: https://www.udacity.com/course/build-native-mobile-apps-with-flutter--ud905#

    It's free. It's taught by people from google who help build flutter. It's a good starting point in my opinion.

    1. 2

      Then you can watch the boring show to expand on your base knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr8F2S3Amas

      1. 2

        (Laughing!) I thought you meant the show was boring. But it is indeed... boring! Thanks for the recommendations!

        1. 1

          Yeah. It's actually very entertaining as far as learning content goes. :D You also get a sense of how best practices have changed as the show progresses.

  5. 2

    I really enjoyed videos on this channel 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIvrn68cUk8CS8MbtBmBkA

    Lots of great patterns and in-depth look at writing clean code

    1. 1

      Design patterns are definitely what I'm after. Thanks for this!

  6. 2

    Dart is a very easy language to learn for someone familiar with a C-like programming language (Java, C#, JavaScript, etc...). The language tour was enough for me to pick up its basics in a day. Then I took Stephen Grinder's course on udemy to learn Flutter (I skipped the Dart introduction), and thanks to my job back then as a full-time Flutter developer, I had the opportunity to quickly solidify what I learned while discovering new things as I encountered more and more challenges.

    There's a nice Flutter crash course on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0uinJvhNxI, it teaches the basics of Dart and Flutter. After finishing it you can go through these video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJbE2Yu2zumDqr_-hqpAN0nIr6m14TAsd
    There are also great courses on udemy if you have the time.
    And if you prefer learning from books, there's a list of Flutter books here: https://github.com/Solido/awesome-flutter#books

    Hope this helps.

    1. 2

      Definitely helps! Thanks for taking the time to share! (And really appreciate the book recommendations!)

    2. 2

      i did Stephen Grider's course and the additional one by Angela Yu. I liked Stephen's a bit better but there were topics unique to each. The courses are so cheap and so good its a no brainer to at least try them.

      1. 1

        Why did you like Stephen's better Angela's?

        1. 2

          I felt like Angela's course had a few issues with good coding practice. Its been a while so I don't remember exactly what. Other than that it was fine and either one is a good start.

    3. 2

      Hi @yougane I have basic experience with some oop languages. Can I still learn flutter?

      And thanks for the resources, there are soo much.

      1. 1

        Of course you can! Dart was designed to be easy to learn and understand by anyone having some previous experience with an OOP language (especially JavaScript and Java). And thanks to the many resources available online you can easily learn Flutter too.

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