Founders: What is something that annoys you more than it should?

What is something that annoys you more than it should as a founder?

posted to
on April 18, 2022
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    It's actually related to me: I set high expectations for something and then get disappointed based on those expectations. On the other hand, if I don't set high enough expectations, it can be hard to get motivated. Is there a "solution" to this catch-22? I don't know.

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    Timezones, and people asking you when you can have a call without mentioning theirs.

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    Overthinking. I have a habit of staying in my head and overthinking things instead of just doing things.

    Sure, overthinking has saved me from quite a few mistakes (thinking a problem through before even starting), but I notice that overthinking takes a lot of time and thus progress is slow :-/

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