Free or cheap community software?

I'm looking for a Meetup.com alternative, or Wild Apricot, or whatever - where I can have my own custom domain/URL, and not too many other restrictions.

Meetup can do it for about $25/mo. I'd like free or $5 or $10/mo, ideally.


posted to
on October 28, 2022
  1. 2

    If you're looking for a Meetup alternative with fewer restrictions, Wild Apricot might be a good option for you. With Wild Apricot, you can have your own custom domain/URL, and there are fewer restrictions on the number of events you can create. You can also set up paid membership options and collect payments through the platform. However, one downside of Wild Apricot is that it doesn't have as many features as Meetup, so you'll need to decide if the trade-off is worth it for you. Another option to consider is Eventbrite. Eventbrite has a similar structure to Meetup, but it's more flexible in terms of event types and customization options.

    1. 1

      i do know about Wild Apricot - always seemed cool - just got rolled up into that other company.

      requirement don't really fit me - no domain on the free plan, and other plans start at $48/mo.

      thanks tho.

  2. 2

    Hi, I am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but I will suggest you an app template. This is a template like circle.so and once you get it you can easily create your own community platform. Then you can add or remove features as you want without single line of code.

    1. 1

      thanks, this is an idea. i'd be hesitant to pay for a template on top of someone else's saas -- just because i want control, but not so much that it's a ton of busywork.

      i've followed bubble and anvil and others for a long time.

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      looks cool-ish.

      do you know if they do custom domains? that is usually not available on free plans.

      that is, i want my luma site to be at https://mydomain.com/

      i ended up signing up with Meetup for now on a month-to-month - figure if this project becomes something i can just switch it.


        1. 1

          yeah, i don't see any mention of 'domain' or 'custom domain' at all.

          that's not necessarily a trivial feature, so i get it.

          i tried to find an email or contact form to ask but no bueno.

  3. 1

    There are many programs available for businesses, and deciding which one to use can be overwhelming. One key difference, however, is whether the software is paid or free. Paid software is developed by professionals such as https://acropolium.com/industry/logistics-software-development/, and sold to businesses, while free software is usually created by hobbyists or volunteers. While freeware can be a great option for small businesses on a tight budget, there are several reasons why paid software is generally a better choice for business purposes. First, paid software is more likely to be well-designed and easy to use. Second, paid software is more likely to include technical support, so businesses can get help quickly if any problems arise. Finally, paid business-oriented software often includes features that free software does not, such as integration with other business tools and customizability. When it comes to business software, a small upfront payment can save many headaches in the future.

  4. 1

    https://una.io/#dpr Is legit, very advanced CMS etc. I've used it before. It's a masterpiece. It's a lot though, so unless you're fairly technical you might want to hire someone to help manage it or go with a managed (deployed for you) solution.

    1. 1

      $99/mo is about $90/mo more than i want to pay.

      thanks, tho.

      1. 2

        What do you mean? It's a free open source project. Just dl the zip onto your server from GitHub with wget, unzip with linux zip utility, install. You're good to go!


        1. 1

          yeah, i'm looking for saas/hosted. thanks tho.

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