Full-time founders: How do you respond to "Why don't you have a job"?

It's an annoying question, yet we've all been asked it at some point in our lives. How do you usually respond?

  1. 1

    Why do you have a job?

  2. 1

    In my 22 years as a founder I haven't got that question even once.

  3. 1

    "It's only the first quarter of the game"

  4. 1

    What do you mean? I’ve been employee of the month three times in a row

  5. 1

    "Don't need one. I create jobs."

  6. 1

    “I’d rather work 24 hours a day for myself than 8 hours a day for someone else.”
    ~ The Wolf

  7. 1

    "You have a job, how did that turn out for you?"

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