Gamarjoba. Please, introduce yourself!

It's been less than a year since I moved to Georgia. But due to all the pandemic, it has been really lonely here regarding the community of like-minded people. So I decided to kick-off this group on indiehackers.

If anyone is in Georgia currently, let's introduce ourselves and projects we're working on.

I will start off

I'm originally from Estonia, but been a "digital nomad" for 9 years. My main project that I'm working on nowadays is https://ashop.co - Effortless Storebuilder for Amazon Sellers.

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    Gamarjoba! I'm from Crete, Greece, been living around Europe for some time now and recently travelled to T'bilisi right before the pandemic to spend some time working on Wavepot, a personal project for live electronic music performance and digital audio synthesis through code. Would love to meetup and chat about the world. My email is public here, so you can find me.

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    Gamarjoba, genatsvale!
    (I'm not from Georgia but have Georgian roots)
    How is it going in Georgia now?

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