Generate cookie policies by scanning your website with AI

Hey fellow Indie Hackers, how much do you LOVE that bit right before launching your latest awesome tool when you have to go and write a cookie policy?

No, me neither.

But every so-called "cookie policy generator" online is just a basic decision tree that selects sections of pre-written copy for your cookie policy. That is simply not acceptable in the world of AI.

That's why I made biscuits.ai.

Biscuits (British for "cookies") is a cookie policy generator that actually loads your web page and scans for third party cookies, then asks you a couple of simple questions, and sends it all off to ChatGPT to write you a completely bespoke cookie policy, tailored for your website.

Try it out here, plaintext cookie policies are free to download: https://biscuits.ai

posted to
on July 9, 2023
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