Get me clients & get a 50% cut from the profits!

Best affiliate you can get from a proven product.

I've created a WORKING platform for online Zoom trainers which HAS SALES and has GREAT RETENTION (Most trainers who pay, stay for at least a few months, some more than a year)

Membership fees are around $50 / month (they might get a long term 10% off)

I see that many people here offer to market products and get them clients, if you successfully do it for me, I'm willing to pay you 50% (!) of the profits for up to 1 year from a trainer you directed to the platform.
This means you can potentially make around a $280 cut per successful affiliation.

I've got marketing materials ready, and real trainer testimonials and reviews about the product.


I will appreciate any help,

posted to
on January 14, 2022
  1. 2


    I'm the founder of a studio that increases conversion to purchases through hypothesis testing (Growth Hacking Framework).

    What is your website traffic like right now? We're looking for Case Studies and can help for free to increase conversion from visitor to purchase significantly.

    1. 1

      Hi Vladimir, that sounds interesting.

      There are around 250 new users getting to the landing page each month, the traffic is organic, and being led by a specific YouTube tutorial I created which got good placement in the Google Search results.

      I'm also running an Instagram page to publish to hand picked online trainers.

      The oblivious problem is that it's a niche, but as time goes by, the market is growing, and more people are expanding their online training business.

      You're welcome to DM me for more (mike@fit2.live)

      Thank you!

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