Getting first 908 Paid Signups by Spending $353 ONLY.

If I started a new Saas project today, here's what I will do to get my first 1,000 paying customers for my Saas and still this method generate around 80% of my total revenue.

I have applied same method on my own startup https://SaasPedia.io/ and alot of Saas founders have scaled to $100k+ MRR using same method.

The method is called "Cold Email Outreach" and with this method you can send 10k+ emails /day which means 300k emails per month.

In this example we would be sending 1,000 emails a day to get 1,000 paid signups in first 2 months with 2% conversion rate.

Step #1: Signup for Instantly AI: ($97)
I will signup for Instantly AI which is cold email and lead generation software I am currently using.

Step #2: Buy Domains & Email Accounts: ($159)
We will need to buy 4 domains and 20 email accounts to send 1,000 emails per day because to avoid getting spammed we can send maximum 50 emails/day from on inbox and we can have maximum 5 inboxes per domain.

Below are providers I use:
Inframail: https://inframail.io/?via=khadin [Recommended]
Coldsire: https://coldsire.com/?via=khadinakbar [Expensive]

Here are some calculations:
4 Domain Names x 5 Inboxes/ Domain = 20 Email Inboxes
20 Inboxes x 50 Email/day = 1,000 Emails/day

Step #3: Setup Email Accounts in Instantly AI: (Free)
Best part about Inframail and Coldsire is that you don't have to do any technical setup and they with do it all for you. You just have to wait for 14 days to get email accounts warmed up.

Step #4: Qualified Leads: ($97)
You can use tools like Hunter, Apollo or Instanly AI Lead finder to scrape the leads as per your requirements or you can buy leads from any vendors you trust. I would recommend you to use Instantly AI lead finder.

Step #5: Start Email Campaign: (Free)
Then you would have to craft a campaign about your tool and make it live. Instanly also provides you a unibox with all inboxes at 1 place and you can manage all communication there.

Step #6: Scale the Campaigns: (Optional)
When you start getting results, then it's time to scale your business and start sending leads at scale as some Saas companies are sending around 100k email a day which means around 3 million emails per month.

Even if we get 1% conversion rate means, 30,000 new customers.

Do share about your Saas in comments, so I can suggest you some ideas on marketing and sales.

I can help you setup this whole email infrastructure:

Best Regards,

  1. 13

    If I understand correctly, this is a theory. Not something the author has actually done. As my drill instructor used to say when I was in the army "Theory is one thing, in practice its another and in reality, something completely different". I have done something similar to this following the same logic...email enough people and you are bound to get something. I am not particularly smart or talented...would like to think I am not very dumb either, but years ago when I tried this, by sending over 20,000 carefully constructed emails, the end result was ZERO clients. In general, if the theory is convenient, like sending many emails from the comfort of your home/office by clicking here and there, then it will probably not work.

    Another thing that I know not to be true is this statement right here "Even if we get 1% conversion rate means, 30,000 new customers". Anyone who has any experience in doing things like that, should know that you will NEVER get 1% conversion rate. It's ridiculous! Your conversions, if any, are likely to be something like 0.001%, IF THAT!

    Also, it's interesting that the author has included his affiliate links in the post.

  2. 3

    As a consumer, I would gladly pay to block irrelevant cold outreach emails. People, I beg you to be accountable for the marketing strategies you use. I'm not against putting your product in front of your customers, but spamming people with unrelated items is not a good practice.

    1. 1

      Same. I hate marketing emails, and not targetted ones. I don't think OP's strategy works at all. Instead of treating customers as dumb, maybe it would be beneficial to look at it from a different perspective.

  3. 1

    Thank you for sharing

  4. 1

    The truth is, a lot of people don't like marketing emails; most folks aren't into reading that kind of mail.

  5. 1

    Is "hustlix" what you were selling?

  6. 1

    this is an amazing simple seemingly effective strategy
    but I think it only works for B2B SaaS products right ?
    any idea for B2C products?

  7. 1

    Thanks for sharing the experience.

  8. 1

    Thanks for sharing this. So you send the same email message to all your leads?

    1. 1

      Yupp, with a bit of personalization we can do so.

      1. 1

        How do you do that personalization currently? I've actually built a tool that goes through all your leads, understands what they do by reading their website and crafts a 100% personalized email for each lead, maybe could be interesting to explore https://grafema.xyz

  9. 1

    Interesting strategy. Regarding the software for qualified leads, what made Instantly AI stand out for you?

    1. 2

      I think because it's easy and have free email verification and builtin features are available. and because it's working for me.

  10. 1

    Very interesting outbound idea. Can anyone else who has done something similar comment on how it has worked for you?

    1. 2

      Few years ago I decided to try this approach...figured if I could email enough people, I should be able to get X conversions (wasn't aware of the "Chinese lady handbag fallacy" then). Emailed about 20,000 people, got maybe 10-15 replies back of which none actually wanted to convert. Ended up with lost time, frustration and 0 clients.

  11. 1

    Mmm you fail to mention email enrichment? That is pretty costly

    1. 1

      Yupp, but it's not must have, I usually don't do alot of personalization and when it comes to instantly lead finder, all data is already enriched.

  12. 1

    what about the cost of exporting or buying 30k leads each month? how much can we expect to spend for this?

    1. 1

      That's in the monthly plan by instantly lead finder itself or you can get those leads from fiverr/upwork etc as well.

  13. 1

    A very interesting text. Thank you !

  14. 1

    Interesting strategy. Have you experienced any side effects, like recipients of cold emails getting angry or leaving bad reviews?

    1. 2

      People get angry when you spam them but when you have unsubscribe link, you are not hard selling, you have maximum 3 followups and you are friendly then there are only few people who are angry.

      But they don't even buy the product.

  15. 1

    It's an amazing strategy

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