Getting Indie Hackers Invites

I have been on indie hackers for about a year, I mainly spend time on the site reading posts, but have created some posts myself and a number of responses. I still have no invites codes and would like to invite a few people I work with to the site. Any ideas on what it takes to get invite codes on IH?

  1. 4

    I believe you need to have enough points on your profile to get those codes. I managed to get a total of 4 codes so far and I have 73 points.

    1. 3

      Ok thanks, do you know the best way to get more points on my profile?

      1. 7

        I would say posting the content that people like and writing thoughtful comments. Because as far as I understand, you get point for upvotes.

    2. 1

      Good to know this. Actually, I am also waiting for invite code. I have 50+ right now.
      Usually, I don't have huge audience on social media...Still some people ask me code. 😄

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      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

      1. 2

        Wow, I only have 18 points so far, but 98 is a lot of points with no invite codes! That's why I am wondering if there is something else needed to get the codes besides posting.

  2. 1

    I'm guessing it's something to do with community engagement + creating posts + posts/comments being upvoted.

    I only have 34 points but already have 3 invite codes.

    1. 1

      I am fairly new to posting, so I have 18 points, but still no invites. Do you remember if there was a certain point threshold you hit before you got invite codes?

      1. 1

        I think I got mine around 28/30 points

  3. 1

    Yeah, this is million dollar question. I have some colleagues who would like to consume content from here, but aren't allowed. What's the logic behind restricting signups?

    1. 2

      I assume it's to prevent spam, but it is not clear to me what the minimum threshold is for getting an invite. Hopefully I will find out soon!

  4. 1

    If anyone needs an invite from your social circles, tell them to shoot me a DM on Twitter - I've got plenty of codes! @jj_ladaga on twitter

  5. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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