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Getting started with Full Stack Blockchain Engineering

Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself as a software engineer who works in the mobile applications development space especially Android. Honestly, I don't have full-stack web development engineering experience. I determine to learn the stack this quarter along with another tech such as Blockchain. I feel very much excited to tell you that it is possible to become a full-stack blockchain developer. I want to share with you my learning journey of the stack.

When you hear the word Blockchain the first thing that comes to your mind is Cryptocurrency. It is the truth that Cryptocurrency is associated with Blockchain. But these are two different concepts. Blockchain is the underlying technology behind Cryptocurrency. For example, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple are having their own Blockchain technology. They run in their own Blockchain network. A Blockchain is basically a digital ledger in which each entry is recorded as a new block. The next block contains the hashed address of the previous block. If a new entry is to be added, a new block needs to get generated. This concept works in Bitcoin. But other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum have their own underlying Blockchain logic. Each blockchain has its own logic to handle the cryptos in the network.

Since the year 2019, it has been my dream to become a Full Stack Blockchain Engineer. This technology has caught my attention because of the hype on the internet. I chose Ethereum as my favorite blockchain technology because it is developer-friendly. With Ethereum, a developer can create tokens. These tokens are coins that revolve in the Ethereum network. I want to remind you, a token is not the same as Ether (cryptocurrency name of Ethereum). A token is still associated with Ether because it involves Gas. A software engineer can create a token around a use case and rotate them in the Ethereum network. I would like to mention few examples such as Uniswap and Compound. You may read the documentation of these two in the links below:



The main use-case of these two tokens is Decentralised Finance also known as DeFi. A DeFi app does not require a third party for use cases such as Savings and Lending, Decentralised Cryptocurrency Exchange, Blockchain Wallet, and Digital Asset Marketplace.

I am excited to create such use cases around Blockchain. But Blockchain is not sufficient. You also need a frontend UI and a backend server. Hence I decided to become a full-stack blockchain engineer. In my opinion, I would recommend the following stack:

React JS - To build a beautiful frontend web app.
Node JS - To build a server logic to communicate with the blockchain.
Express JS - To build the REST API. An interface between the NodeJS backend and ReactJS frontend. This REST API will be helpful to interface with the mobile app.
Solidity - A language used for building smart contracts for Ethereum.

I would like to share my learning resources for full-stack blockchain engineer which is as below:

Introduction To Blockchain:

React JS Tutorial:

Node JS and Express JS:

I would like to thank DApp University for open sourcing their Blockchain Ethereum knowledge.

I hope that one day you will also become a blockchain engineer and contribute to the world.

Thank You for reading the post.

Sincerely Sohaib Rahman

  1. 1

    Thank you @gpage for the comment. I have great ideas in my mind regarding blockchain tech. But right now I am learning to combine all the tech stack together. Especially ReactJs-ExpressJs-Blockchain combine. There are less tutorials based on these. I intend to make a tutorial video on this. With regards to a blockchain idea, I would like to get started with a blockchain wallet.

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