Google Ads CTR results


I started ad campaigns for two of my newly launched startups to bring more people to the site this week. I'm not planning to use paid ads for a long time to acquire users but to gauge the interest when someone is in the site by collecting metrics on their actions .

I started a display and a search campaign for each and I am getting the following CTRs:

Startup A
Display: 0.5%
Search: 2.65%

Startup B
Display: 0.85%
Search: 8.92%
what do you think about these results?

How do the results look to you?
  1. Great for A and B
  2. Great for B only
  3. Boring. They look just like any other ad campaign
  4. Terrible
  5. CTR means nothing
posted to Icon for group Advertising
on February 5, 2021
  1. 2

    I would recommend creating a 1 click landing page even something as simple as this:

    So you can test your Call to Action, primary benefit and supporting benefits.

    Not the greatest design but it actually worked. to generate leads. One thing I noticed is ever medium is different so some of it's transferable to other advertising others things aren't

    1. 1

      Thanks! Great idea

  2. 1

    Difficult to judge because display results can out-perform search depending on how engaging your ad media is

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