Google shared AI content guidelines today. Will it be penalized?

Google just shared a guide to understanding how AI-generated content will be treated.

Here are the facts:

• The use of automation, including AI, to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of Google's spam policies.

• Google's focus is on the quality of content, rather than how content is produced.

• Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against Google's guidelines. If you create helpful content using AI. 👉 Learn how to use ChatGPT to create unique and relevant content.

• Google will surface high-quality information from reliable sources, not information that contradicts well-established consensus on important topics. So check twice what AI generates for you.

• Using AI doesn't give content any special gains. The content will only perform well in Search if it is helpful, original, and satisfies E-E-A-T.

• If you see AI as a tool to produce helpful and original content, go ahead! Otherwise, if you see it as a way to game search engine rankings, then change your game.

How is AI changing the way you work?

posted to
on February 8, 2023
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    Do you think that the AI tools would kill the SEOs work? If the people start to ask tools like chatGPT the things that they are searching in google, the niche sites and SEOs skills will not be a good business any more. What do you think about that?

    1. 1

      I don't think that could happen in the near future... People will always value true experience (and human expertise) on a topic rather than a generic robot answer. I believe people want to read about the processes and the results more than they want to read cold answers from a chat.

      It could affect some niche sites, especially if they are about tutorials. But still, I think people want to see how you, a human being, used that knowledge to create something. Steps are not the only thing that matters.

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