GPTForge - Discover apps built in GPT & AI

I want to make it easier to track and explore list of apps and websites that are using GPT/ChatGPT and AI Generative Tools so I decided to build Gptforge . Currently pretty bare bones, but my plan is to feature the sites on Youtube and Tiktok as well.

  1. 1

    How does it search actively? what differ it from just searching on google/etc..?

  2. 1

    Simply awesome, I love this site.

  3. 1

    How are you going to distinguish from futurepedia?

    1. 1

      Great question. I don't have a good answer for it. Maybe make the individual listing more comprehensive such as adding reviews, company details, community discussion, etc.

  4. 1

    Certainly! If you'd like me to help make the link you provided more relevant to your previous message, I can suggest something like:

    "Here's an example of an app that uses AI generative tools like GPT/ChatGPT: Minecraft Pocket Edition for Xbox[https://allminecraftapk.com/minecraft-pe-xbox/]. While this app doesn't necessarily incorporate these tools in its gameplay, it's an example of the diverse range of applications that can benefit from AI. If you're interested in exploring more apps that use GPT/ChatGPT and other AI generative tools, check out Gptforge.

    I hope that helps!

  5. 1

    nice. I signed up for mine

  6. 1

    Hey Reginald, nice and clean and I found a couple of tools that I am not aware about. Thanks for sharing.

  7. 1

    Thank you for sharing.

  8. 1

    Will check this out! Might see if I can list my start up too :) Thanks!

      1. 1

        incredible! Thank you so much!!

  9. 1

    Hey congrats on gptforge! Just wanted to mention I was scrolling it and seems like the menu isn’t displaying when clicked ( chrome for iOS)

  10. 1

    Just submitted my No-Code tool, interaxai.com !

  11. 1

    Very interesting! Just submitted Evoke to your site.

    Hope to get featured soon!

    1. 1

      Awesome. I've added it https://gptforge.net/apps/evoke . Will include a video preview soon as well

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