GPTMyDay: The easiest way to use AI to plan your day

GPTMyDay (https://www.gptmyday.com) is the easiest way to use AI to plan your day.

Seriously, and that was the point!

Pain Points:

  • Time-consuming: Planning a detailed itinerary for a trip can take hours or even days.
  • Overwhelming: The amount of information available online can be overwhelming, making it challenging to sift through and extract the relevant details.
  • Lack of personalization: Existing solutions often provide generic recommendations that may not take into account personal preferences and interests.
  • Uncertain reliability: User-generated content such as reviews and ratings may be biased or unreliable, leading to poor decision-making.


  • Personalization: Many users want trip planning solutions that can provide customized recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
  • Convenience: Users want solutions that are easy to use and save them time.
  • Cost-effective: Finding good deals and discounts is always a priority for users.
  • Trustworthy: Users want solutions that are reliable and provide trustworthy recommendations.


  • Many users are frustrated with the lack of personalization in existing trip planning solutions.
  • Users want a solution that can help them save time and make informed decisions.
  • Travel experts emphasize the importance of providing reliable content that is backed up by trusted sources.
  • Some users suggest that existing solutions are too focused on the most popular destinations and activities, leaving out lesser-known gems.

Week 2 (Post-MVP):

  1. A new "History" section is available for all subscribed users :smile:
  2. Downloading plans to a PDF file is available for all subscribed users
  3. 20+ users
  4. Optimization updates to our prompts
  5. Overall styling updates


  • Calendar integrations (Apple first, Google next, etc.)

  • Dropdown options and/or user-generated prompts for each section

  • More prompts + potential agents to continuously optimize our prompts

  • Research into an advertising model for businesses

  • Secrets ;)

  • We're listening to the feedback, and we always will, so thank you to everyone for leaving them :D

  • If you did not get a chance to try it yet, your 1st report is now free: https://www.gptmyday.com

Also, follow me on twitter (https://twitter.com/philosofteng) (I follow back I promise)!

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