Gumroad Page vs Custom Site?

I just launched a book that teaches people to code with Swift! I'm relatively happy with my product page, but I'm curious if it will increase conversions to have a custom domain and site that describes the product and embeds the purchase overlay?

Do you think that would increase conversions and traffic enough to justify purchasing a domain?

PS: Would love feedback on the product page - https://gumroad.com/l/codeforhumans

Is it worth it to build a custom landing page that embeds the Gumroad checkout?
  1. Yeah, do it
  2. No, not worth your time
posted to
on March 30, 2021
  1. 1

    Hey Jeff, I'm quite interested on your product and would like to collaborate with you. Do you mind DM me at twitter https://twitter.com/Jinxuet, your twitter doesn't open DM.

  2. 1

    I’ve 2 projects running that used Gumroad

    Yes for landing page, because of more flexibility

  3. 1

    Hey Jeff - this headline caught my attention as I'm busy with my Landing Page for my own Gumroad product.

    Being my niche, I'm of course an advocate for a LP but my main advice here is you will link to this GR product page URL from all your marketing (that can also get shared elsewhere beyond your control) and you are at their mercy if:

    1. GR goes down (if it was your LP, the visitor is still consuming info and can contact you)

    2. GR changes the UI, pricing or anything for that matter (you could change your Commerce provider at any point with a LP)

    What I did as a temporary solution, taking the above into account, is use a temporary redirect on my own domain. Example I launched on Twitter (ref) using onepagelove.com/ebook and that redirects to

    Once the LP is ready, I'll remove that redirect.

    Hope that helps!

    1. 1

      @robhope, how do you manage the tracking and analytics part?
      having a redirect, means you're seeing only your website as the source

      another question, why aren't you using your LP and have the main CTA trigger the checkout within your LP (as a pop-up) ... I'm doing this for my info product https://thebootstrappedway.com/#unlock-pro

      I'm also testing, not sure if it'll work, but redirecting all the traffic to you GR page is messing all the data, you won't know who is your main source of revenue

      1. 1

        Hi Daniel - I'm still busy with the LP so have the redirect temporarily.

        FYI: I have several redirects in place and dozens of dedicated coupons to help track marketing.

        Agree, a LP with embed is best way forward.

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