Handing out site ideas you can build with Carrd

I'm a real believer in Carrd — but not as the best website builder out there. I think its real beauty is as one of the most accessible tools for anyone to spin up small sites, businesses and product ideas fast, cheap and with ease.

Those of us building with it seem to be having lots of fun doing so too.

Am I right? 😉

So I decided to help people have a little more fun with it...

I've created a list of ideas for things you can build with Carrd (or, more often Carrd + another tool). Kind of like a list of use cases.

Some of these ideas I've built myself, some I've seen people build, and others are ideas I know are possible with Carrd.

I'm sharing this list in two ways.

The first is with a fun little site called Dealer of Carrd. This site uses @jasonleow's Randomizer plugin, and hands out one idea at a time (like a croupier!). Each idea comes with links to examples, tutorials or tools to build it.

I'm also packaging up the whole list as a database, which will be available to purchase on Gumroad.

Both of these will be a growing list of ideas, and there will be regular updates.

So if you're stuck for ideas, need some inspiration, or just curious what you can build with Carrd — please check out the site.

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    Love the focus on fun for Carrd!

  2. 2

    Those of us building with it seem to be having lots of fun doing so too. Am I right? 😉

    Hell YES! 🙌

    Thanks for the shoutout, Mark!

    Anyone curious about the randomizer plugin, it's here!

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    "Absolutely! Carrd's simplicity and accessibility make it a fantastic tool for quickly bringing ideas to life. Your initiative to compile a list of use cases and share it through Dealer of Carrd is brilliant—it not only inspires creativity but also provides valuable resources for those exploring Carrd's potential. Empowering others to have fun and experiment with Carrd opens up a world of possibilities for small sites, businesses, and product ideas. Keep up the great work, and I'm excited to see how your project evolves and continues to spark innovation!"

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