Has anyone used Firebase as a backend for their Saas?

Hi everyone,

I would want to know if anybody has used Firebase purely as a backend. I'm not familiar with it, but would be interested to release an MVP using it.

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    I'm currently building a b2b sass on Firebase.

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      Awesome to hear that! How's your devx been so far?

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        Pretty good.

        Authentication was really easy to setup. I'm hosting my backend as an Express app and querying Firestore on the backend. I'm doing this so I have the ability to add lots of business logic and it will also be easier to switch off Firestore if I ever want in the future.

        The only thing I don't like so far is Firestore's limited querying capabilities, like not having negated queries or aggregations. These are pretty big negatives in my opinion since I'm not actually using Firestore's real-time features, but my next paragraph explains why I'm willing to deal with the trade-off.

        The biggest thing about Firebase for me is that I don't have to worry about devops at all. As a one man team, I find this incredibly valuable. There is enough to worry about already so not having to worry about a server or database going down at 3am is NICE. My app is going to scale with each customer individually and I really don't have to worry about a spike in users causing me any infrastructure issues.

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          Gee, yes not having to worry about infrastructure issues is always great as a solo dev. The querying capability is what put me off using Firestore, going back to postgres roots :D

          Thanks for sharing this!

  2. 2

    Firebase is the backend for MastermindJam.com. And IndieHackers, IIRC.

    I use it for the membership platform; the marketing site is WP.

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      Interesting! Thanks for the inputs @KenW

  3. 1

    Currently using firebase for my projects but I heard bad things using firebase for bigger projects. How real is it that?

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