Hate these links on IH

5 out of 7 top posts on my IH feed are links.

Personally, I don't like to have to go to another site to read the content, and come back to read the comments and participate in conversations. Comments are usually more valuable to me than the post content itself, but with links, the context goes missing (if I don't read the link) and thus reading comments get pointless.

Early days were so much better on IH; and these days I just mentally filter the links through the feed, but it's kind of hard with so many of them :/

Wish there was a filter for them at least!

posted to Icon for group Meta
on June 18, 2022
  1. 3

    I don't mind outside links per se if they are contributing clearly to IH experience vs empty useless attention-grabbing/seeking Elon Musk did this or Gates said this, types. Also, it makes more sense if link-bringers state clearly what is so valuable in an attached link, and why they think it is worthy of propagating.

  2. 2

    You can exclude link posts here https://feed.indiehackers.world/posts.rss?exclude=link-post and get RSS/ATOM/JSON Feed
    Add the link to your feed reader!

    1. 1

      Brilliant stuff, thanks!

      1. 3

        Next step filter anything that mentions NFT or web3 and it's sorted!

        Would be handy to have this type of thing built in.

  3. 1

    Interesting point, and glad you raised it.

    As someone who posts here and links out sometimes, I will rethink my link usage and try to post more on the platform itself.

    Rather than linking out - I have been wondering whether or not people appreciate short posts like tightly written, 300 word, almost dot point summaries rather than conventionally written articles.

  4. 1

    I just made a Chrome Extension to hide link posts on the homepage and submitted it for review.

    Here's what it makes the homepage look like — so clean!

    I'll let you know when it's approved and live.

    Edit: Here's the open source repo if anyone wants to inspect the code. It's embarrassingly simple.

    1. 2

      Great work David! Looking forward to trying it out once accepted.

      P.S Also learnt how to make a chrome extension for the first time by looking at your code! Thanks for teaching me that :)

      1. 2

        Haha, awesome! Yeah, it was A LOT simpler than I thought.

        I started with this open-source starter template, which is amazing.

  5. 1

    I just experienced this just before I saw your post.

    I almost click on those "link" posts then see the "link" icon and then change my mind.

    The reason is that I feel they are low-effort type of participation. This type of laziness does not contribute to the community but quite the opposite as it takes the place of other content that could have otherwise gotten more attention.

    1. 1

      Yes exactly. The 'low-effort' links might bloat the count of posts metric on the platform, but they are less valuable to the readers.

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