Have you used Reddit ads?

I'm trying to find some case stsudies for Reddit ads to see if it might be worth trying.
The only issue is that when you try to find them on youtube, or other search engines, you get bombarded with "gurus" trying to sell you their reddit ads courses, instead of actual cases studies from real people.

Has any of you tested reddit ads or know about some useful case studies?

posted to Icon for group Marketing
on November 21, 2023
  1. 4

    It has been mainly a miss for me and I prefer doing organic with reddit

  2. 3

    I never had success with reddit ads, and I've used them on and off since 2013. More organic marketing on there can be good. Using a tool like gummysearch or f5bot or syften to watch for conversations you can jump into, or just DMing people who comment in threads related to what you can offer can be good.

    1. 1

      Interesting, haven't heard of them

  3. 1

    I tried several times but it never really worked. I think that Reddit users really don't like ads... That's different on Linkedin or Google.

  4. 1

    I've started using RedditAds few weeks ago, at the beginning it was not really working, I didn't get much clicks (2-3 in a day.) Then I added few more different specific ads, increased the bid budget a bit, created focused, narrow audience. After these changes it started piking up, now I have good leads coming compare to beginning.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to leave below.

    1. 1

      Interesting! What type of service are you running the ads for?

      1. 1

        I'm running it to drive traffic to my landing page: https://nbaticketadvisor.com/

        Trying to measure demand for this tool.

        1. 1

          oh, that's an interesting concept!

  5. 1

    Ya, I Used Reddit Ads but give average responce. Not bettert. Just try google and Tiktok ads

    1. 1

      Thanks for the input

  6. 1

    Not yet but I planned to. Join you in asking for feedback!

  7. 1

    Hey I've ran a campaign before and it worked really well for 1 month then just died.

    What I've seen really works if you get an organic post to get some traction and then just promote that.

    1. 1

      That sounds like a good idea, I'd have to look into my best performing ones to see if it even makes sense. If the posts are not related to the actual product I'm linking, then it would most like be just a brand awareness type of campaign.

  8. 1

    I have. It's been mainly miss for me - AI micro saas

  9. 1

    Definitely worth trying for their $100 dollar new customer credit. My campaigns did end up acquiring a few interesting leads, but I found it didn't do a great job targeting my niche.

    1. 1

      Interesting, how exactly did the niche targetting work? I have't explored the actual ads manager yet, but my thought was that you could could basically target members of specific subreddits. Or is it a bit more abstract then that?

      1. 1

        Yes you can target subreddits. I selected the 2 main subreddits I wanted to target, but I couldn't run the campaign because the audience was too small. So I just allowed Reddit ads to do auto targeting while factoring in a few keywords.

        I am sure I did something wrong though haha.

  10. 1

    There's a couple of subreddits that focus specifically on this, one of them that I suggest you read is https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditforBusiness/

  11. 1

    It's been hit or miss for my past businesses (mainly miss).

    I'll likely be running a test campaign soon for my new SaaS, I'll make a thread with the results.

    1. 1

      Make sure to let us know here when you do 😉

  12. 1

    We're currently bouncing back and forth with it for Lochbox(dot)app. If you know how to use Reddit, I think you can get some good results. Like you'll hear from many places, there are a lot of bots. We're currently working on some concepts for text-based ads to see if we can reduce bot traffic in a meaningful way.

    We were spending about $100/day and seeing some great CTR and app downloads. We're on pause right now as we try to figure out how to increase new users and retention.

    1. 1

      Was there any actual ROI or was it just free trials basically?

      1. 1

        Free trials. We're just going for adoption right now.

  13. 1

    Tried them about 1 year ago, 30% was bots, but the rest was real and pretty targeted.

    I think it could be a good channel for some products, but I recommed to test it after you have an optimized funnel with at least one tier 1 ad channel working for you (ie. FB, Google..).

    And get ready to invest several K dollars before you know if its working for you or not.

    Good luck

    1. 1

      Interesting! Thanks for the input! I am thinking of testing it for a my digital assets for editors, which would be a pretty specific niche.
      I haven't tested google, so, it's still on the list.
      I don't think I ever got any real return on FB, but it was probably because there was inssuficient data, my current organic data is probably good enough to test conversion targetting, so we'll see.
      Would you still recommend doing some type of awareness campaing first and then retarget that on FB, or straight up conversions using the current data available?

      1. 1

        From my experience, every traffic source needs to be cracked individually and it take time and money to do it.

        FB and Google have the best tools, quality and quantity of traffic, so it makes more sense to start there. With google search you can also discover which keywords to push in SEO so its another value to consider.

        Pick one, according to your experience with it, do a quick online course to because an over night expert :) build a plan and allocate a budget that you can afford losing ($2k+).
        I believe this is your best chance for success.

        Also - always have at least one A/B split test on the most important page in your funnel, but not too many, and make quick decisions when you have enough data.

        Good luck!!

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