Hello fellow hackers, let me introduce myself 👋

Hello fellow hackers,

I'm an iOS developer working full-time for employer and building a side project app called Golden Squirrel. https://www.goldensquirrel.app

My goal is to launch a MVP in the middle of this year. I will then start building user base, evaluating the product, refining new features and build them.
When I will be satisfied with the product, I will invest more time in marketing.

I've already started sharing my progress on Twitter , but I also want to become more active here. https://twitter.com/DaboDamjan

I'm happy to join this community! Feel free to reach out to me ✍️

posted to
on February 11, 2021
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    Hi @DamjanDabo,

    Very useful one, your golden squirrel. I'm sure many will have a deja vu moment when they read your reply below (includes me too).

    So many times I keep a thing at a particular place carefully, but then, all I remember after a few days is, I kept it somewhere carefully, but god knows where, ha ha ha :)

    Welcome and Good luck!

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      I agree! I think a lot of people have a similar problem with their belongings, and are not yet aware of it.

      My idea is to create a solution which can help solve this problem with as little effort as possible. After that, promote the solution by providing some examples and testimonials.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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      Thank you Timo!

      Yes, of course.
      The app is going to be basically an inventory app focused on items which non-consumable, and which should have their place somewhere in your home, office or storage container.

      I got the idea of building such an app after realizing I have no idea what is in my basement, even though I moved in just a year ago. So I want to solve my own problem with the app.

      There are similar apps in the App Store already, but most of them have some issues which I want to address in my solution.

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        This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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          You are right! Integration with products similar to AirTags could make it so easy to use. Imagine having a closet which automatically knows what is in it 🤯

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            This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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