Hello Indie Hackers 🙋‍♂️ I am Hongbo, Let's Chat!

Hey all!

I'm a long-timer lurker here on IH, but looking to get more involved with the community in the next few months.

I'm extremely passionate about machine learning, been working on ML @ Scale AI (YC S16) for the last two years in San Francisco. I've wanted to learn what it's like to run a unicorn startup from the inside. Although it was very challenging at times, I've nevertheless learned a lot from that experience. Previously I've also worked in FinTech, building real-time models for fraud detection and anti-money laundering. Also spent some time in retail, working on supply chain problems.

As much as I've loved my team at Scale, I've decided to build something that's undeniably mine, so I've moved back to London to pursuit that full time. I'm currently looking at applying ML to robotics, intending to make consumer robotics more affordable and ubiquitous. https://gbots.dev/ It's very early stage right now, I've done enough coding to reduce the product risk, now doing customer interviews to reduce the market risk. Recently read The Mum Test, so putting that in practise.

I would love to meet you all and pick your brains about your projects, happy to give you my two cents on any ML problem. Let's talk shop!

posted to
on December 1, 2021
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