Hello World 👋 and introducing my last project

I'm Dani Sevilla. I joined IH 2 years ago but wasn't really active.

I have always developed my pets projects in the shadow, but encouraged by all the wonderful people who are sharing their projects in this and other communities and seeing the value of building in public, this time I have decided to explain the way of creating a new project from the beginning.

My current project is ApiPages.io.

It's far from finished but It has a decent amount of stuff and I will be here sharing the process, learnings and mistakes

Happy to be part of this amazing community!

posted to
on January 30, 2021
  1. 1

    Great stuff Dani, I see lots of use cases that ApiPages solves. Do you support custom domain under any domain?

    For example if my domain is acme.com and I need to support company1.acme.com, company2.acme.com and so on?

    Keep up

    1. 1

      Thanks @ganoro!

      Yes, definitely custom domains is the next feature that will be implemented for the final release.

      In my head I have 4-5 very clear use cases, but I would like to know other visions...

      What use cases have you imagined?

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