Help us to improve homepage

Our team is building battery packs for the electric vehicles and and the website is self made by me, however after asking for feedback, my conclusion is that this looks dull and unimpressive..
Could u please share ur few little minutes to help with me?

  1. 1

    If you are looking to build a website for commercial purposes, you should make it look as professional as it could be. This is important as a professionally-designed website can help you establish brand identity. Your website's layout and design do need some improvements in terms of colors, fonts, and overall theme and alignments. a professional web design company will be able to advise you properly if you seek their assistance.

    Get in touch to discuss:

  2. 1

    Hi there! If you'd like a free critique session, pop over to my page here. Short form to fill in and you'll get 3 actionable points to improve the brand impact of your homepage! https://www.earthfound.studio/get-started

  3. 1

    Yes, what's your website?

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