Hey! I'm Camellia, nice to meet you all here!

Hello friends!

I'm new here and would like to share a bit about myself.

I'm an ex-journalist and a corporate marketing and communications manager who has worked in China, New Zealand and the UK. I quit my full-time job in 2019 and dedicate my time to become an independent content creator.

I write in English and Chinese and published two books last year. I run two podcasts, The CJ Show podcast, focusing on cultural observation and philosophy; A Paradise of Poems podcast, reading poetries in English and Mandarin.

For more details, please refer to my website: https://www.camelliayang.com/.

So glad I find this space to meet like-minded people like you! As a Chinese saying goes, when three are walking together, I can find teachers among them. Let's learn from each other and achieve our goals together!

posted to Icon for group Introductions
on March 25, 2021
  1. 1

    Nice to meet you! I recently joined as well. Let's get out there and crush our goals!

    1. 1

      Thanks and welcome! All the best!

  2. 1

    Welcome to an very organized jungle 🙂🙂

    1. 1

      Thank you! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. 1

    Hi Camellia! Welcome!

  4. 1

    Hello, @camelliayang. Welcome to IH. It seems like you have a lot of great experiences already! Writing two books, running 2 podcasts & then journalism experience.

    I wonder, what's your secret? ;)

    1. 2

      Hey! Thanks for your note! I love writing and listening to people's stories. I think my secret is my intellectual curiosity and time/energy management skill.

      1. 1

        Ah, interesting. Following your own curiosity can take you to lot of good places.

  5. 1

    Welcome Camellia! I'm new here too and the community has been really friendly thus far. Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself and good luck on your journey!

    1. 1

      Thank you, Gina! Love to know that and good luck with you too!

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