Heyy! 👋 Why don't you introduce yourself?

First of all than you so much to all of you who has join this group, I hope you enjoy it, learn with it and that you add value to it.

So... Let's start at the beginning. Tell in the comments how are you, why are you here and I don't know maybe a curiosity about you (or two 😂)?

I think this is a great way to empathize with each other and try to help more when posting something in the group.

Also is cool getting to know who is behind that screen or that words now that the group is small.

You know, let's grow by writing! 🚀

posted to Icon for group Copywriting
on November 8, 2020
  1. 2

    I am anand
    I write blogs and I am a student...
    If you are intrested in my blogs : https://treanches.digitalpress.blog

  2. 2

    Aloha! 👋

    My name is Blendor & I'm taking my first steps in copywriting & indiehacker scene. I'm here on IH to learn new things and hopefully build my own product in the near future.

  3. 2

    Hey everyone! Dan here. Been writing for more than 20 years now. I'm trying to identify and pursue a good side hustle; joined Indie Hackers to learn from this community of builders. I'm also eager to help other writers improve their craft. Looking forward to interacting with you all!

  4. 2

    Hi, I am Felice a copywriter trying to help a great community. I am a curious person and I love to learn new thing. I may not have years of background in copywriting, but I am always reading and writing copy every day. I am building my copywriting skills.
    I am here to help business craft their message so customer will listen!

  5. 2

    Hey, I’m Nic.

    I’ve been a freelance copywriter/content writer for close to 4 years now. I was based in Asia, but then returned to my home country about 7 months ago (covid).

    Here are the industries I’ve written copy for.

    • Adult
    • Asian startup scene
    • FMCG
    • Financial
    • SaaS

    I also write a weekly newsletter that’s unrelated to copywriting.

    why I’m here

    Why not. There has been no specific group for copywriters, so I thought I’d join, give advice, and learn.....and who doesn’t want to talk smack with other copywriters😂

  6. 2

    This is Osama, Growth Strategist at Brand Overflow. I am 24 and have been in SEO since last 6.5 years. After the long period, I decided to take a break from SEO and joined brand overflow in growth department.
    I love interacting with people to know their terminologies, hacks and nature of work which really helps me in seeing the other side of the world.
    In hobbies, I play FPS games like CSGO, Valorant and PUBG. :D
    I am here to see what are the common discussion points of a copywriter and see if I can be of any help. :)

  7. 2

    Howdy! I'm Alex. Copywriting (and teaching it) is just one of the many things I've done in business.

    I run a coworking community called Indy Hall, and teach business skills with my friend Amy Hoy at Stacking the Bricks. We have our own copywriting framework (based on lots of old sales writing research, but adapted to modern times) as a major part of what we teach, focused on helping people with very little writing experience write landing page and sales copy that converts.

    Curiosity about me: I've placed in karaoke competitions, and once did a karaoke RV road trip across america!

  8. 1

    I'll start myself with the introduction.

    Hi! 👋 I'm Carmen, a copywriter and marketer who tries to improve the world by its projects (like most of us). Right now I'm with a project called identid.me which consist of creating landing pages for your professional portfolio or personal brand. 🤯

    I'm in the group because I know about copywriting yes, but Spanish copywriting so I want to improve my english and learn some copywriting technics that English speakers use because is totally different from the Spanish one (each culture has it own way to sell).

    A curiosity about me? Well I can speak Chinese and I loove anime. 😍

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