Hooray, it's roguelike boilerplate launch day!

I've been working hard on this product, and this time I've also been paying extra attention to the marketing side. Before I started writing any code I figured out who the intended audience is, where they hang out, which channels there are, and how to use them to reach that audience. I wrote up a detailed marketing plan (which I'll share soon) with all of this info before I started.

I'm about to find out if this has paid off.

In case you don't know what I'm launching, it's a web app template for creating your own roguelike game using JavaScript and web tech. It comes with a PDF guide, and I'm currently recording a screencast series to show you how to modify everything to make your own game.

I only need to make 150 sales to break even on this, so wish me luck!

If any of you IHers happen to be interested in making a roguelike game (a truly strange niche I'll admit ha ha) then note that you can get the boilerplate for 60% off during the launch period.

Here's the product link: https://chr15m.itch.io/roguelike-browser-boilerplate

Thanks for reading!

posted to
on August 21, 2020
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