Hosting in Heroku

Anyone has hosted a PHP+MySql based app in Heroku? I am trying this first time and I am facing some challenges - the logs seem ok and yet the site shows an error. Did anyone face this issue? How do I solve this?

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    Advice on DDoS attack protection for my servers, thanks in advance!

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      DDoS attacks are widespread these days, so every site needs to protect itself. Mainly if the site hosts sensitive content, you'll need premium protection against DDoS attacks https://lyrahosting.com/anti-ddos-protection/ , which is the result of a fusion of a reverse proxy server that protects against Layer 7 attacks and a new IP-based DDoS attack protection technology that can counter the most dangerous Layer 3 and Layer 4 attacks. LyraShield Anti DDoS can reduce transmission rates up to 1.5 Tbps +/- 250 million packets per second based on pure traffic.

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