How can I find initial users for my product that converts Blog posts into podcast episodes / youtube videos?

I've built a product called a-to-p (https://a-to-p.vercel.app) that converts blog posts and articles into podcast episodes (video coming soon).

I'm trying to figure out how to find initial users and gain feedback. I'd ideally like to find a company to partner with whose content I can convert into episodes and we can try to grow their revenue.

I'm having a hard time getting initial users to partner with and marketing is definitely one of my weak spots. Any ideas on what channels I should target and who could be a good fit?

on April 30, 2024
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    As a quick idea you could pick good bloggers in a particular niche without much of a youtube / podcast presence but some good traffic, then.. blogs are public, so do one of theirs anyway and contact them with the result to ask what they think (probably without sharing it wider). If they like the result or even like the concept, they may well agree to work with you (depending on who owns IPR / gets credit etc). The people this might piss off are unlikely to be your initial customers anyway. Make a list of the people you would most like to start with, then start at the bottom of the list and work your way up, by the time you get the top the product should be great.
    It doesn't scale, but it sounds like you are at the do stuff that doesn't scale stage.

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    I would try to do that on Topics/Questions that are very niche, but that get lot of traffic & replies.

    As for the getting initial users -- We did affiliates in the beginning, which got us an amount

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