How can I get a grant for my tech startup?

Hello everyone,

I am presently developing a technology startup and was wondering how I might get a grant in Canada as a software startup.

Where should I submit my application?
Can you provide me that helpful tip?

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    Government grants is a good start especially with zero equity.
    You can start from here


    Good luck 👍🏽

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    Hey @Daniel_A!

    Startup competitions are a good way to win non-dilutive funding: https://www.foundersbeta.com/startup-competitions/

    Also check out this list as well: https://www.foundersbeta.com/startup-funding/massive-list-of-startup-funding-in-toronto-part-ii/

    Keep up the great work.

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      is not free to join?

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        Yes, you have to check each individual competition website criteria. If it's by a university incubator or others should be free mostly. Some may have a minimal fee to participate.

        In terms of grants application, don't think there's any application fees but always double check. Best of luck.

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