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How Dennis Smink scales his server management tool Ploi

How Dennis Smink scales his server management tool u/ploi_deploy

🧠 The Founder

My name is Dennis; I am a 33 young developer from The Netherlands 🇳🇱

I am currently working on Ploi, a server management tool that makes managing your sites and servers a breeze.

💡 The idea

I’ve used several tools to host my websites, and my customer's websites, but it was always a pain for me. I could never find a tool that would cover the most basic stuff.

At one point in 2017, I got a bit sick and tired of this, and decided to start scratching my own itch. I needed a decent way of hosting my own websites, and servers and keeping them safe. That’s when Ploi was born.

🚀 The launch

I started a little Dutch Laravel Discord community a while back (which is fairly large nowadays) and started asking colleagues to test the product. Basically from there, it started going from mouth to mouth.

Obviously, I did all the startup stuff, in order;

  • ProductHunt
  • BetaList
  • SaaSHub

📈 The numbers

We’re doing an organic growth of 20~30 signups per day, maybe 5 to 10% of that converts to an actual paying customer. Most find us via search engines.

Read the full case study:


  1. 2

    Great post!

    But man, if you get to use your own product, you'll grow because you'll make it better... See if you can do that. every. day.

    Send me a link to producthunt, i'll give you an upvote!

    What's your next objective? How do you plan to grow this even more?

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