How did you find your masks and what made you buy them?

How did you find your masks and what made you buy them? Also, did it ship on time?

I found mine from Los Angeles Apparel and saw it from a tweet. It shipped within a week but saw a good amount of people saying they never got their masks (Atom mask, ie)

What was your experience?

  1. 2

    i bought a few on etsy!

  2. 1

    Early on I made my own (with some terrible skills).

    Now surgical masks are available for sale in pharmacies and supermarkets. Although not yet mandated to wear them.

  3. 1

    I'm curious to know if anyone has recommendations for masks available shipped from the UK :)

    1. 0

      have you tried etsy or was that not useful?

  4. 1

    How did you find your masks and what made you buy them? I know the owners personally and like the design.

    Chinatown Market https://thechinatownmarket.com/products/smiley-face-mask?_pos=2&_sid=8cbe35f4d&_ss=r

    Also, did it ship on time? Yes.

    What was your experience? Great.

    Many of these companies are back-ordered, and I expect this to be the case for a couple of months.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the comment! Never heard of their site. Very gen z vibe

  5. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 0

      moms are the best hehe

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